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Hth Studios Gold Contentl


The website has now been up for several years and has seen a drastic increase in both quantity and quality of content. As of January 2017, a policy change reduced the amount of free content on the website while making the majority of the content exclusive to gold members.

Hth Studios Gold Contentl

ITHE T WASHINGTON WASGTTES TIMES SUNDAY OCTOBER 21 1906 l OG nn uI RJTYVTITII It N Hrookc one of the instructors inthll th the e Corcoran Art School has just ju t re returned returned roturnedturned from a trip trip tili to Chicago where WhOZ henttended henttenddattended the annual exhibition of th thwork thworkwork of American painters at the Chi ChliAgo ChitJgo ChitagoiAgo Art Institute This trip WHS madeIn madeftiin the interest of the coming comln exhibition exhibitionatat the Corcoran Gallery of Art and Mr MrBrooke MrBrooke MrBrookeBrooke made a selection of picture forthe en enththe th purpose of renueejtin reque ttng the th artist artlst8 to5Cnd ta taaendsend them to the exhibition referred referredto I IInto ttoInIn discussing the standing of the Chi Chicago Chicago Chiago cago ago exhibition exhlbltlon1lr MT Brooke stated > Ulted thatquite thaiquttquite qutt a number of the picture which whichwere whichwtre I Iwerewere given gh 1 places of honor 1ton in Chicago Chicagohad Chlc go gohad p phadhad previously been exhibited at fOImerxhlbitloUi formoicxhibitlonexhibitions of the Lh Society if t Washing Washington Wawlngton Wai4tIngtcn ton Artists Artll til The work of painters from fromNew troln1Iew I IewNew ew York and Boston was vah 88 limitud to a af aw n L Lwf w examples many man mR of the t1eirtIst prominent prominentartists promlntntnrUstaartists of those cities not being inG includ included Included Includd ed d in the list lI t of exhibitors exhibitorsMr oxhlbUoralIr exhibitorsMrMr Brooke is enthusiastic over the theprospects therrospeots therroaIetsprospects of the exhibition to be hold in inthis Inthis ir I Ithisthis city in February Februa and March of J07 ti7The prizes will be fully adequate to at attract attract attract tract the beet work of the country and andpersonal I Irersonalpersonal 1 with the leading workers of the country couHtr couHtrto eoirntrtoto send their but examples The Th only onlypossible OflbIosslbltt oni onipossiblepossible drawback will 11I be the annual annualexhibition MnualxhlblUon annualexhibitionexhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy Academyof 4cadem 4cademofof Fine Arts in Philadelphia which will willbe willbe L Lbebe held at the same me time as the ex exhibition exhibition hibition at the Corcoran Gallery but the thestimulus thestlmulu thestimulus Istimulus of the handsome prizes prtz to be begiven beSVtn begtvtiiSVtn given at the exhibition in this city will willgo wlUgo willgogo a long way toward bringing the beat beatwork beBtwork heelworkwork which has not been recognized recognizedtleewhere reeognlzttdelsewhere I Ieleewhereelsewhere to the Washington exhibition exhibitionMacdonalds exhibitionMacdonalds exhibitionMacdonaldsMacdonalds Latest Portrait PortraitAA portrait of superior quality is 1 now no r r1ingbeing completed by Harold Macdonald Macdonaldwhose Mactlonlldwhose Maedonildvhosewhose work is always alw lys interesting Intero tJng for forthe farthe foithethe reason 1 ftson that It is never conventional conventionalnnd conventionaland conventionalandand always contains contain some new phase phasecf phasect phatnctct the painters individuality Indlvhluftllt The per p r trait in question que questionthat tfonthat that of W V B Iloltz Iloltzcc clawmay law may well veIl be termed a portrait of ofa o r raa business man and under this title titlenone itt tubnone Ie Ienonenone would w uld feelthat there existed any an afli rdegree dpgrf > e of variance between the title titleand tlt tithand e eandand the motive of the picture pictureMr pictureMr pIctureMrMr Holtzclaw is painted in an aasy aasypose MSYpose enn r rposepose his hl right arm resting upon a high Idesk and supporting the voleht el ht of the thebody thebod tinbodybody bod in such a manner that one fools foolsat fetbit Is Isutat once that the pose is natural as well wellus w we > 11 11usus characteristic A business B suit is isv Jsorn h hwornv worn tidijus dressing drell lng The face is that of ofa ota ou ouaa sturdy man of business one with withclear a aclear adearclear head and an admirable grasp gra of ofthe ofthe 01 01thethe affairs with which he is connected connecteda oonn too toona man of mood 000 stealth and in the prime primeof primeof primeofof his mental activity ctlvlt The charm of ofthe orthe ofthethe portrait is In the apparent sim simplicity Im ImfU Smplldty plicity fU repetition of a subject which hlck has onlybeen varlod 31100 in the likeness of pet peon peIOnr peonfr son sonforfor > r whom the th portrait has been painted paintedMr JMlIltedMr pittedNrMr Wilsons Portrait Sold SoldMrs SoldroL8 SoldMisMrs I J Fisher FJh r has recently sold soldto soldto soldtoto the University of West Virginia a aportrait aportrMit aportraitportrait of Hon W V L L Wilson Post Postmaster PMtmastr Feetmaster master General during the Administration AdmlnlstraUon Administra Admlnitratkn tion of Mr tr Cleveland and at one time timepresident tlmopresident timepresidentpresident of theinstitution The jor jortroit 1101trait 1rtraittrait vas all painted by the late L L J JFisher Jshfr JFisherFisher shfr from sittings by Mr Wilson Wilsonwhich WilsonwhIch PilliOn PilliOnwh1chwhich were given to the artist at about aboutthe aboutthl aboutthithe time of the painting of o another Or Ortrait > > or ortrait ortraittrait of the Postmaster General which whichis whichjs whichsis s now in the possession p of the Govern Government Goernncn GoverniflCflt ment ncn ttuax usy wita aetcnes aetcnesMaxMax Weyl ie busily engaged in inIris Inlls InhaIris studio tudlo in the th Corcoran building in inthe Inthe inthethe completion of sketches made this thissummer this5ummr thissummersummer while wIll whil on his vacation in King KingGforge Iln IlnGforge ICingGforgeGforge county Va Although Air AirAVeyl l1rW ir irVeylAVeyl W Veyl I enjoys sketching skdc lnG during the lat latter latter leticr ter part of October and early part of ofNovember otNJember ofNivemborNovember when l l the foliage has De Decome Deome ocmecome ome me trown and golden he has secured securedsome scouredsome I Isomesome fine effects on his last vacation vacationwhen vacationwhen iwhen he h had to content himself blm clt with witha tha more limited Umlt range of colors for tne tneincessant tneIrssant teeircessant Iincessant rain bad resulted in clothing clothingtin clothngtIt clothingibetin entire landscape with the most mo t vivid vividgreens vlhlgrun vIvidgrgreens gr ns King George county count at leeat leeatthat lecstthat lesstthatthat section selected > by Mr Weyl Vel for forLl3 forIils forLieLie vacation Is some tea miles inland inlandfrom Inlandfrum inlandfrjmfrom Colonial Beach and the country countryIs countr13 lacking in that variety which is isnought Istought iscoughtnought by less experienced experl8 e painters paintersAA creek forming a tribuary to the Potomac Potomar Po P0tomttc tomac wends its way y Inland and tin tinbanks Utebanks the thebanksbanks arofcoverfid arccovered with luxuriant gn g grass grasswhich ss sstv Htttv tt which hide in some place plac place the thewinding theindlng thess winding inding course of the stream Mr Ir Weyl Weylsecured Weylsecured Ptryl Ptrylfipcuredsecured two excellent pictures along alongthis alongthis alongthisthis quiet waterway The country is isalmost Isalmost Isalmostalmost flat enough to remind one of ofthe otUu ofthethe Dutch landscapes which are so somuch somuth somuchmuch In vogue The recurring portions portionsofof the creek break the foreground ito Mitopleasing IotOrlf3JJlng itolcasingpleasing spaces Trees at the right re relieve relIe4 rehove hove the monotony inonoton of the almost lvel lvelhoriaon hel1OrJon lwelborlsonhoriaon line The sky occupies the thelarger thelarger thelargerlarger part p rt of the canvass and adds addste addste dds ddstte t the feeling of isolation from the thebustle the1Ju thebustlebustle 1Ju Ue of ot the world The clouds are arercttful arerotful srerctfulrcttful and tell of the heat of summer summerFrom aumJUtrFrom summerFrontFrom but little material Mr Weyl nas hasfound nasfound nasfoundfound subjects of definite beauty and andommon lnd andtncommon I6ftcommon ommon InterestArt Interests in lenman Building BuildingTli BuildingTlvTli Tlv avenue is I becoming the center of ccn ccneiderable pcnsiderable tcnsiderablesiderable art interest In this buld building bulding buldIng ing Mr Powell has had a studio for forsome forEtlme or ormesome me time > He will reopen It this week weekOn weekOn weekOnOn the same floor oor may ma be found the theetudios thestudios thetudiO8studios tudiO8 of Miss li8R Loretto Lowenstein and andMiss andU andMlnsMiss U I Constance Chase younger mem members memhus mombtrS bers of the profession who are work workIng work1ng workluglug hard b trd to win the approval of the thepublic theJubIlc thepublicpublic Miss Lowenatein devotes her hertime hertime hertimetime to book and magazine illustra illustrations illustrations lilustrations tions and magazine covers Miss Chase Chaselias Chl8e118S Chnsehashas been an ardent student of such suchwild 81ebwild suchwildwild animals AS are found in the local localZoo loOftIZoo localZooZoo and expects to devote her h r time timeto timeto timetoto wcrk from sketches of this char character eharaetel charactet acter acterThe actetTheaetelTheThe Lenman building is also the thehome thehome thehomehome of a new art school or rather of ofa orn ofaa collection llectlon of schools in which the thevarius thearlus theverbsverbs arlus craft illustrative decorative and andflne andfine andlinefine arts are to be taught This school schoolwill schoolwillwill 111 be under the direction of ofAnna Mn MnAnna MnoAnna >Anna Bogebholm as principal of the theschool theschool theschoolschool of arts and crafts The prln principalshlp prlncllNilshlp prlnctpelshlpcipalshlp of the school o ot fine no arts is isto Isto Istoto be befilled filled by b Miss Borta M Hanson Hansonwhile Hansonwhile Hansonwhilewhile Miss Mary 1Iar A KIrkup will have havein haveIn haveinin charge the school of design The Thecourses Thecourses Thecoursescourses of study stud are to be arranged so sothat sothat sothatthat elementary elementa as well as advanced in instruction InstrucUonwlll instniction struction strucUonwlll will vill b bJ given In the various variousbranches varIousbranehes variousbranchesbranches Included in the curriculum curriculumInIn the decorative and industrial depart departments departments departments ments classes will be formed in pore porcelain porQlain porelain lain painting art weaving W8tlVIR lace making makingand makliu makliuand makingandand art needlework Wood carving and andleather andIfathfr andleatherleather sculpture will also be taught taughtIrjithe taughtInthe taughtInIrjithe In the fine arts department drawing drawingfroli dr1wlngrcA1 drawingZrZr froli rcA1 the cast and from from life will be in I eluded In the studies An attempt will willbe willbt willbebe > made to provide Instruction in de designing designing designing signing for the Illustrative as well as asfor II IItor Mforfor the industrial work in which do dosigners d dshmcrs dosignerssigners are employed employedThe emJloodTheThe attendance at the Coreeran Gal Gallery GaIler Galisry lery ler of Art since its opening o lng October1 has shown a pereeptlWe Increase Increaseabove Increaseabove Increeaboveabove the attendance for the same samened pe period lterlod ned of former years yearsWalter YeKnJI yearsVlterWalter Itltar Paris P rls the wellknown water watercolor watercolor watercolorI color painter sad one of th the founders foundersofof the Tile Club has returned from his hislong hislong hislonglong vacation In Knsiaml It is I re reported re relM reported ported lM > rtGCl that his return was due to mat matters matters mattore ters of business h tM tWis and that he does do not notcontemplate notcontemrtlltt notcontemplatecontemplate the opening of a studio in inthlecliy 1ftthll Inthkicttythlecliy thll thkicttyThe cjt cjtThe i iTheThe Washlgton Water Pater Color Club has hassecured hassecured hassecuredsecured the th use of the Hemlcycle Hall Hallof Hal1ot 1111ofof the Corcoran Gallery of Art for or Its Itsannual Itsannuill itsannualannual exhibition which will m be held heldfrom heldfrom heldfromfrom November Jtf l to December 15 The TheCorcoran ThtlCorcoran TheCorooranCorcoran Gallery of Art has renewed renewedthe renewedthe renewedthethe customary prizes of HK ItIO for the thebest thebest thebeetbest picture and Silt fi 6N or the th second best bestpicture bestIJlcturepicture in the th exhibition exhibitionMiss exhibitionMtu exitibitlonMiss IMiss Anna Ann 3an anew anda her h she WHS as ue the gut of her brother brotherAdmiral brotherAdmiral brotherAdmiralAdmiral Sands and has resumed re ulRed her herart herlirt herartart work in th the studio at t 1 Hit 1W New York Yorkavenue YorkAvenue Yorkavenueavenue which she eoeuptos Jointly with withMiss Ith IthMIllSI Miss Burdettu BurdettuAdolfo BurdettcAdoltoAdolfo tie Nostl Na tt has completed oomJ letetl the thestandard thelII thestandardstandard lII ndard size models for oi four of the thelarge theIMrge thelargelarge figure to be used in the decors decoration deeoralion decorstion tion of the new municipal building buildingThe buUdlnK1he butidlegTheThe liguros representing ropr nttng sculpture sculpturepainting culpturepainting sculpturepaInting >painting music and architecture have havebeen havttMen havecStbeen cast in plaster and are now in inthe 1ftthe inthethe nans banI of the marble workers workersGeorge workersGeorge i iGeorgeGeorge B Matthews painter of por portraits portrftlts pertraits traits and historical hl torloal subjects au bjee tII has hasmoved hasmovedmoved his studio from 1422 l4 New N8 York Yorkavenue York8enue Yorkavenueavenue to the Belasco Bela eo Theater building buildingAt butkUnKAt buildingMorreysAt Morreys rorres galleries In G street treet there thereis thereisis now on exhibition a small but highly highlyInteresting highlyInteresting highlyInterestingInteresting collection of works of for foreign torcign forolga eign artists The pictures twenty i inumber IR IRnumbtr isnumbernumber will be on exhibition d during urine thte thteand thhand th thandand the tOllowln following week weekMISS weeklylissMISS CATHERINE DOYLE DOYLEENTERTAINS DOYLEEMTERTA1NSENTERTAINS FRIENDS> Iiss Catherine Doyle entertained nHumbor 0numbernumber of young people on Friday even evenins 88ninK evenlegins inK at the residence rea ldence of her parents parentsthe ArentMthe parentsthethe occasion OCCR lon being the twelfth anniver anniversary U1nlv anniversary r rsary sary of her birthday II Miss Mabel Sonn Sonnrag Sonntit Soontagtit rag rendered several selections on the thepiano thepiano thepianopiano games were played and refresh refreshments retleahmenta refreshmeats meats served by the young ho h hostess hostessWillie te t tVlIlle Willie Goat whose hOtie queer qu er antics were werea werea wereaa source of amusement amu ement throughout the theevening theevening theeveningevening was one fte of the roost interested interestedguests InterNl441KUestM 1nteresteguestsguests Among those present were wereMarion werelarlonNtchoIK wereMarionMarion larlonNtchoIK Nichols Margaret Margare argure White WhiteBertha WhiteBertha VbiteBerthaBertha Riley Roberta Doyle Eleanor EleanorMartin EIe EleanorMartin nor norMarUnMartin label Son SonnUtg n tag Lester tr SonntasElizabeth SonntaElizabeth Sonntas SonetagElIzabethElizabeth White Bessie Be le AVilks Ilk i1ks Alice AliceFowler AliceFowler AliceFowierFowler Hazel Tlehnor Carrie Sellers SellersGeorgie SollersGeorgie SellersGeorgieGeorgie Sellers Soll > Agnes Jones Alice AliceNichols AliceNichols AliceNicholsNichols LJliie Settle Francis Collins CollinsAlbert CollinAlbert CollinsAlbertAlbert Collins Herbert Nichols Robert RobertAcorn RobertAcorn RobertAcornAcorn Holton Chlsm William IIIIam LittleHaney Willie lIIle Collins William Ullam UllamTorrey I ITorreyTorrey Robert E Doyle jr Ernest ErnestMcDuell ErnestMcDueU t tMcDuellMcDuell and Samuel TlehnorCOX TlchnorCOX Tlehnor TichnorcoxCOX RIGHTFUL NOMINEE NOMINEEISIS DECISION OF GRIGGS GRIGGSChairman GRIGGSChalMnan GRIGGSChairmanChairman Griggs of the Democratic DemocraticCongressional DemocraUeConsre DemoeratleCongressionalCongressional Consre ional committee has made hie hieruling hi hirullnX hlrulIngruling in the CoxZenor nomination con contest contMt eontest test in the Third Indiana district district in inwhich Inwhich inwhichwhich the two contestants contes nUl both claim claimed claimed claimeel ed the Democratic nomination Chair Chairman Chairman Chairman man Grigga decides in favor of Cox CoxPressure CoxPre CoxPressurePressure Pre surc is being borught to bear on onthe onthe onthethe contestant to induce him to with withdraw wtthtlNlW withdraw draw from the campaign because becau e if ifboth ttI Ifbothboth run and divide the Democratic Democraticstrength Democraticstrenltth DemocraticstrengthI strength it might end all chance of a aI aDemocraticDemocratic election electionUNDERTAKER etloctlonI electionUNDERTAKERII UNDERTAKER Ur DERTAKER CHARGES CHARGESDENIED CHARGESDENIED I IDENIEDDENIED BY WILSON WILSONSecretary WILSONSeereUtry WILSONSecretarySecretary George P Wilson Yl1 on of o the theDistrict lheDlfitrlct theDistrictDistrict Board of Charities declared declaredyesterdayyesterday e terda the charges brought by E R RJames R RJame HJames IJames a local undertaker alleging that thatfavoritism thatfavorlU thatfavoritismfavoritism favorlU m in tho th matter of removing removingbodied removingbodle removingbodiesbodied from the YVashintfon Yallhln ton Asylum Asylumwas A Asylumwas ylum ylumwaswas shown certain undertakers were weregroundless veregroundless ere eregroundlegroundless s so far us he is able to dis discover discover diecover cover Mr 11 Wilson n on states that the roe records reoms roeorde ords of the asylum hospital are public publicproperty publiclropert publicpropertyproperty and that no reason exists for forthe forthe forthethe charge that they were withheld withheldfrom withheldfrom withheldfromfrom anyone Mr James complaint complainthehe states grows out of the fact that thatcertain thatcerbln thatcertaincertain undertakers have watched th thsa thsarecords tInserecords sa sarecordsrecords carefully and have succeeded in inobtaining Inobtaining Inobtainingobtaining the burial because their ap applications applications plications were filed In advance of less lessenterprising1 10fl8nterprlslng leesnterprisingenterprising1 undertakersFROM HER TRANCE TRANCETOTO DISMISS UNDERTAKER UNDERTAKERWHEELING UNDERTAKERVHEELLlGWHEELING W W Va Oct 20 20An An Anundertaker Anundertakerundertaker was ready to take charge chargeOf chargeN chargeofOf the body of Mrs rs Elizabeth Patter Patterson Patterson Patterson son when she came out of a twenty twentyhour twentyhourhour trance She had been pronounced pronounceddead pronounceddead pronounceddeaddead by physicians and the funeral fun ral had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeenbeen arranged arrangedHousefurnisliings 81rangooHousefurnishingsHousefurnisliings HousefurnisliingsJtJt ig g FOR SANITARY SA ITARY COUCHES 1091 1091metal 1091metal i69 i69metalmetal folding beds parlor and bedroom bedroomsuttee bedroomsutte bethosuttee ft 1 Pr p r week stone water pitchers lOc lOcgocarts IOeI lOcgocartsgocarts llee ll0 REDMONDS III 31 7th st t nw nwJyutf nwjyUt naJylltfJyutf JyutfSBLKCT jyUtSELECT JylltfIiicTI SELECT IiicT A HEATING HE TING or cook stove toe today todayand tocl8 tocl8andand save av0 e toe en the dollar Ilousefumlshlnes Ilousefumlshlnesatat cost SXITZBU S ITZEn LA POUTE PO UTE HMJl 7th 7thst 7thst tn tnStst p 71W nw oc odDtf odDtfStorage or5ttStorage tf tfStorageStorage StorageTV1ITTV1IT jjy PAT MORE ORE We W WUNITED stAre for 75e se a Joad Joadt oat oatUNITEDUNITED t lTBD STATES STORAGE CO f18f3t f18f3t11th 418425422 41842542211th 18 11th lit t nw Phone Main 41 422 e390t 8eS90trmCLIXY asSSotrIDELITY e390triDELITYriDELITY STORAGE ST iAGi CO1420 You street StrtetINDESTRUCTIBLE streetINDESTRUCTIBLE StrsetINDEsTRUCrInLnINDESTRUCTIBLE INDESTRUCTIBLEJCOOJCOO coo rooms roomE silver vaulta vult mothproof rooms roomsmoney room3money reorn reornmoneymoney advanced at I per cent per annum on onroods onCOoda ontoadsroods stored ID this lbl building Let our estl estlDlator estimator > jmater call callPACXnrO calLPACXI1iG callPACKINGPACKING JJBAVXZTG AND D > SHIPPING SHIPPING1737tf SHIPPINGIrtt1737tfMoving MovingPacklnt MovingPackIng MovingPa1ngPacklnt PackIng and Shlnpfoa ShlnpfoaLARGE SI1IpplnaRGE ShppfnLARGELARGE RGE AND HANDSOME HANDSO ILtNDSOMEPADDED E PADDED VANS AN3S 84 4 LOAD LOADTWOHORSE LOADT LOADrwoiioiisgTWOHORSE T OUORSE WAGON J3 3 LOADCOJiVatBIA aOLVM COLV = IA TKAKS3ZE COSEPA2TT713 lltb St St K W JerOtT jco tl4Business Opportunities OpportunitiesCASH 5 5sCASH s corner grocery northwest rt rtt two t liv living livlegnfr 7 rtt III IIIokeleg rooms good stock tack and fixture t will in invoice involeSvoice oke more than price asked aked Address Add J 1M It If H UN Q st nw n ocllt odlltw eaStStWANTIDnIL oclltWANTEDWANTED w WANTIDnIL NTED man Small capital CfI pita I to plac JH JlCC SeW Innation on 04 n th the market strictly trle1l legitimateAddras Acldr oII BOX no SSI l Times T1m oitlce oeMtt oeMtthINVEJrrMKNTPor oet1tINYETfENTJIor eaStSt1NVE5Tl18NTFurhINVEJrrMKNTPor saleFive lfKlve shares U 8Realty i Co no reasonable lIORI1hte oft otter r refused ret Address BOX 2O Times officetoilIt oeDitICDIarIY oe2IZtWANPICDParty toilItII WANTED WANPICDParty ICDIarIY I artjr with small aU capital as partnor mall n order and real 1 II estate MtMt Stt tunseUulMlngu uFOU 1tFOR ItFortFOR SALK sI SAI1CQroeer Koroeel Groeary and m MeAt u market Iket doing l eg a cash business b Ines M of Mo 58 per day darem a guod uod chance Address BOX AC TImI omce elSeocSlSt ocSlStWANTED d1atW scSiStWANTISDAWANTED W TBD WANTISDA A partner istrtnrwttk with a a email n capital Jplta1mall onl order r and rail estate at Call Ml MUesSoclI4tUIWBK ocSlZt ocSlZtGREAT oct octORICAT oclI4tOflATGREAT BARGAIN hotel ot l conUilnln coetidaheg grooms HIM 1 with evens 8U t in a f tIuIbtoaable flshlosabkietghborhood sMonsbkneighborhood i paying pa large retur return 0leaving ton Loan and Trust building oeMJt oeMJtWANTED oeJ11tWANTEDPartJMr cr21StWAWANTED WANTEDPartJMr WA NTgDPsrtner Partner established 8IItablwtHdcrlng business businessclearing besteesselesriugclearing 9MO monthly monthl constantly coneranU tocrejwrtnerhalf intermit Intere t flm 1398 4M 4 llth st nw n ud1 ud1IOR ucliiFORFOR SALE SALEReluloble Reasonable excellent bu8I bu8IlIHImafor colored man no u omiosiUon the only F=lIHIma lIHImax lIHImau =on one Address BOX x St Times o4iice omce oa 1CIIARTJJRS eaStIlClEARTaRSCHAnTERS FROM J TO 0 III for mining U8lnes w Wa furnish fur h catalogues cataloguesand eataJcu eataJcua eetakueiandand a d ev vertblng rthng nee JMe4UMlIJ 5aary by b our ourIthod easy easyitMthod easyeathoditMthod l failure ImptMsible tmwsibl MILBURK MILBURNHICKS MILSURMIllosasHICKS IH 5 Dearborn at Chicago It ItANAN 1 EXPERIENCED successful tul lady ladyIbroker d dtllllr desiree alr s to meet t lady investors who whoare wheare Iare net sattsoed tWtMd with the usual u bank in interest IBtreet inIsrael Israel attractive legItimate Ie opportunity opportunityM opportumtyr O4OftUflititM yw > w op open n where large and Immediate iuundiit re returns r = ndDOturns are sure Address tddre BOX 17 17odtce l 175 Tim Tim05k = todtce 05k loc1lHn ecUlfZL ecUlfZLWANTED oc1lHnW oclSILZLWATDAWANTED W WATDA ATJJDA A lady ad or gentleman eltUeMaa to Invest InvestU5M lavssti11U5M 1 i11 in I an estaMtskei payiNs 7I11C 7I11Cftllla bustnoMi bustnoMienlargement bsetsesesIaremeetenlargement ftllla of business nuceanary no credit creditte cnItittt te o customers proflts St per 1 rest t per annum annumpaid atunw annumpaidpaid w quarterly books oi 01 open 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city for other otherInterests 0 0Inter othstIntereetaInterests Inter ta reasons for or selling Address BOXITS 171 Times omce OdIc ocl7ls2l ocl7ls2lFOR ocl71JlFOR adS 1521 1521IpoltFOR KALE SAIICContomw SALEContents Cont nts morning house includ il i iUI lag dining d4ntn room equipment good eondUkw eondUkwcheap eistditkaecheapcheap to quick UI pur purFOR purchaser fli 5th nw scSiIl scSiIlFOR i iJIORFOR SALE 8ALIrChelt Cheep eom earner r dreg atore star north KorUtw northwasw was st Address BOX 24S JfI 74 times omce omceRETAIL oMc oMcRICTIL ocuRT4ILRETAIL RT4IL oyster 0 business IMUJ esutblistoed six x teen years eers 11I profits DM SS per month tIt will sell ixllat I IJIat sellat Iat a Mcrtnve crtlk MU 7th at nw H H K E SSANDS 8 ee edoSt K ItCIGARSTORK It sold Ia ISis week w we W oldno agents Itt U ItJa th JIW W ocSVJtFOR SALK KAI4JGTIH The best colored lunch room m In hWashington doing good business AddressBOX MS MI Times office oIItoe oIItoeGR oettXt edoStG1SOEItYGROCERY GR EIn and mat meets store for sale ex excellent oxcket cellent location Mt bargain at if sold at oncefor particulars address ad4 addrs BOX MO O Times office edooca ocaITS oc JtmITS 15 CASH CASIHavlltg Having two tonw suburbS Ibuilding lots In the Southeast Sou section of the tie IDistrict of Columbia Colum which w I cannot useI will aaertnee ert enac both bot for s asia m of tli cash onsitShort distance from t car line lie The ant 171 171jo IS IScaskcaM HC secures this bsrs4n I usdorend adjo joining each Gait orGEORGE or amlrow amlrowGEORGE nd5roaeGEORGEGEORGE F HAILMAH HAlLMANCobb HAILMANrobby1 Cobb turnouts for Lire l1 Stylish cabs ca on o eaSt UPhone X t m > 2 SM and 2 nth st at nw nwncl DWneltIt 11WFORneltIt neltItFOR ncl t tFORFOR SALE SA1E SALXew New ew stock and d natures of es tietabMshMl rncery elJ and ptOv itrovisoin lOlft store cheap c c1eRt Irent Apply 531 M at nw II oclsSO21 oclsSO21MM oclaonRoO uciS2521liesMM ROOMING RoO nNG and boarding bowie hoe nicely aleel rfurnished iin line location others O See Thorn ton S1tI 9W very desirable detIinab grocery livingrooms Jttd OS grocery and meat t market marketeell marketcollecteell collect Ileat nt house bee US 5S or straight InventoryTHORNTON In 17 Maseachu Massachusetts us ave nw nwocl SWcellSt W Woeocl oe cellSt cellStYOSt Jt JtFORoeFORFOR SALE SALCoatflCtloMrT Confectionery and a fruit store16 Hth oel oe cellSt cellStI a aI t tII HAVE JfA VX two grocery KoNfit t re I Ito am going ni rto 0 sell one very ebeap doft miss it Jt GUI GUIslfi Islfi E st aw w wFOR octaXt edoStPORSALn j jFORFOR PORSALn SALl 8 ALB A grocery store > M good kteaton bargain for cash twa Ut llth nt Re e ocl oe oeiROOX cellS t I IROOMiROOX ROOM boarding and morning hones even 17 iroom filed tumltu furniture worth 11 lO price170 Tt8 central beatles XSW YORK ORK BUSNJ18S BROKERS III 1 ocItJtOLD ESTABLISHED lunch room for sale IeAddress Addr BOX 223 Times office ocl odIPOR cr1531 cr1531FOR 3t 3tFORFOR SALE SALJIButtt Butter route te cheap e Address1786 ie New Jersey ave ay ocl77tFOR oc17ttFOR ocl77t eaSTStPORFOR RALE SALKTen Ten hellOing Ms on your yourown yourownown 0 terms Price PrSce III M each ell Address A BOXMM Station O ocl7tf ocl7tfA oe17ttAPIXII salTIfAA APIXII FINE FlN BUSINESS location for rent t the thecorner UteCOMHIr thecornercorner of o Std and P sts nw a goad store storeand 8toNancl storeandand dwelling dwem g of 7 rooms room and bath rent rentreasonable rentrNsonable rentreasonablereasonable g grocenr ery drug store 8tM or other othersmall otb4trsmall otheratnafismall business could do wall w Jl QBO WLIXKINS MM l 19th tk h st at nw ocl ocltHALli eelSSt eelSSthALF t tHALFtHALli HALF A DOZEN lines of type may be thelink between you and something you wane waneWANTED WtWANTEDMen wantWANTEDMenWANTED WANTEDMen Men and women to try our r BuchuOln for all kidney and bladder trcuM prs JM praecriptionEcriptlon ef the late Dr Warner arner of Bait Baitmore more Sold only by THE JOHN WKDDERBURN COMPANY CO IPANY 61861X F st lit RW II seUtf seUtfLOST IIJjUw sejSttLostw Lost LostLOOTA OStLOST LOSTA A string of cylindricalshaped gold beads Liberal reward for its It return to 1IHlth st tnwIt ItLOSTA itLOSTA1 LOSTA > STr P pair r of rimless MlRt lNil eyeglasses y giasew withgilt chain ia 1Ja Cofliv CGluIeeUeut etl ut ave aw II Re Re iward if olnts Re ward if returned to 1464 Clifton Clifteast st ocJDXt ocJDXtLOST oeJOltLOSTGentlemans eelSStLOSTGentlemansLOST LOSTGentlemans Gentlemans ring garnet Ht t Inithils I lale M 1 M I F FC C A M Return to CHAS iA MORGAN 615 el M at 8t nw nwLOSTOctober oc20 oe atLOSTOctober T TLOSTLOST LOSTOctober October 19 ladys chatelaln openfaced f sliver watch on black silk fob withgold charm attached coming from TakomsPark and changed cars at New York aveami a nd 9th sin Reward Call or write toM t B MUELLER 618 G st at ne ocJOit ocJOitLOST oe2O2tLOSTFox oclStLOSTltoxLOST LOSTFox Fox terrier male medium HIed HIedwblte sue ninewhite body black and tan head tag 27191204 J 254 G at nw II Reward oc20tLOST LOSTflreant4n Breastpin reastpln 6stone stone diamond and pairsolitaire earrings Saturday Satunla afternoon on wayfrom rom Washington Vashlngt ft Safe Deposit tt Co to Shore Sho eham II m Hotel a Jane reward will 111 be paid fortheir return and no auestinns will be asked a edInquire at cfflee elSe lftee SHOR8HAM SHORJln HOTEL HOTELLOSTe nelllot nelllotLQSTlirtmtIe lJtt lJttLOSTUndleLOST LOSTUndle liriwlle and white bull terrier tag ta cl 3t 3tLOSTLOSTAU LOST AH the rats In our house by BARCLAY The Ferret Man 027 1 Louisiana are areFound aveFoundsttFound FoundFOtND F FoundF0rNDThat ouni ouniFOrNDThatFOtND FOrNDThat That hats renovated equal ta tactraw t no77 new newstrawstraw and Panama Pa J1ma a specialty sf VIENNA VIEN ACO 503 litb st Jit nw eS7 30t OtHorses and Vehicles VehiclesWANTED VehiclesWANTEDTo VehiclesWANTEDToWANTED WANTEDTo To buy furniture wagon Bgun at one once313 3d st M Phone B 4W ocSl odtlt odtltFOR cellStFOR t tFORFOR SALE SALECoeb Coach teams tam combinationhorses hers saddle ddle horses ponies draft horses hmules mu StNBRlOHT STOCK FARM Brand BrandsVaVaJIOR neSSSt neSSStSORBALZDrivlng nd t tFORFOR SORBALZDrivlng S ALB ALDrtvlng DrtvlRK horse price WV 3t 3tcellSt4 411 t st sw ocl cellSt cellStOxa lISt lIStONE It ItONEONE HORSE and wtt wagon qon on and k birge r ra > icebox iceboxcheap jceboxjj cheap Apply s9sIr 1 lftb > th and It sU at nw oelflt OC1tJtFOR OeStFOR1 FOR SALK SAUDTIt SALlSThres TmrM good cheap buggies bu Bur Haarof se seofof ofa 51 M 1st 1 st t nw W octtSt octtStBOARDING oeD1tBOARDING sellftBOARDINGBOARDING HOR8B8 WANTED ANTBD terms rsa rsaoasble retllIOaable i iaoaableoasble fleas R u of M tit Ut i st t MW oci oeJt1t oeJt1tHIGH cellftHIGH > St StHIGHHIGH GRADE HORSES FOR SALE AP FLY AMERICAN lOll CO STll 5Th ST WIIARPUTH SITu AND E 8T ST8 NK N liST > 18T ST ANDWATER 8TS NWhoRSES HORSES stabled gr gun U fed cruomed calltl eaU tfor and returned l at us per month ref references reno sMain 28 Ill North JM oelSSOt 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1VMD I st nw 0 au24tr aulftrGREAT au24trGREATGREAT STOCKREDUCING SALEfie SO Top nu Butr1 Buggies Kl s J17J4 r5010 Rubbertire Runabouts II o eHS Cwtund CutuD4er r Runabouts cushion tire Sio Motjn Surreys u canot eaDoiy > y top topS KMS D ywlTifllopJ WATERS e SON iN 3M MP Pa Ave AveCOOaWELLS ejezttt jeztttCOOaWELL1I eSltf eSltfCOO3WSLLSCOOaWELLS is the cheapest place to buy buyalldnw and secondhand nethand vehicles vehlel and harness harlarge Jer e assortment vehicles Ill M up harnees harneesSI name nameSSI S up four Hue Shetland ponies panl s and trapJM llth st aw selftf selftfi 11tC 11tCVnntedTeamsi Wanted VnntedTeams VnntedTeamsWANTFI Teams TeamsWANTKIWANTKI WANTEDB > 55 wa wagons ons n steady t work to haulbrick Apply W 1k T WALKER BRICK COCorcoran l building or at works oel oel11t oel11tConsignment 7t 7tConsignmentConsignment Solicited SolicitedHAVEHAVE IIA E YOU ANYTHING TO SEUL In Inelude Ineludeelude It in our weekly weeXl sales IIle prompt mturns mturnsguaranteed raturnsguaranted turn turnguaranldguaranteed THE TU GREATER WASHING WAHHISGTON TON AUCTION CO Sili Louisiana ave nw nwI nI Phone M WOC oc oc ocaet 7t 7ti HBirdsi Birds Dogs Etc EtcSPORTING Etc8POltT1NOSPORTING AND PET DOGS cattl cattle beePswine pigeon ui 11I00 ons reta 8retll and rabbits Mr bt 51pn page e illustrated IIhtrat Atatogoe Io c C O UIOYDTSajrre Pa seaQSust seaQSustDOG 1leJ 8uct 8uctDOGDOG for sale Beadle f female mato and pedigree pIdlprice t a P 1521 S st ocMtt ocMttJUST e 3t 3tJUSTJUST 1 UIIT RECEIVED RllCE VED singing I and Harts Canaries Mexican edeaa Doubt Yellowbead Parrots Dogs Malts Xlt Ilsitese and Angora A Angoraat oraCats ct at Ptceons I Ptg031 > Vwnejr Y5S Y Poultry IncubatorsRats Mice GoJdltone Gold and fall Bulbs BulbSCHMID8 BIRD STORE Tit I IZta lit st lit nw nwoclatf JaWoc1 nwcellIfoclatf oclatfTRY oc1 cellIfTIlT tt ttTRYTRY LEES BIRD STORE Ill Ida in sc at nw 0hand raised double and single atag y yellow eUow llow headIsle I of Pinesand dwarf parrots 0 ces monkeys tIwroupbre4 fox 11 terriers maw a AMf frisde HIt tHII4tt tHII4ttDentistryDentistry DentistryTEKTH ITEKTH WITHOUT PIwVTE8No JI TJI No xtraetlnffno pain look feed act ad and last longer than t tII natural teeth shrunken face made mad normal normalpainless DOI1IJpa norninipainleepainless pa Ailing 1Mn DR DRS J U L WILSON 1 lIes P PStct L nw nwFIRSTCLASS If eellllt eelllltJllR8TCLA18 selSIkYRSTCLASSFIRSTCLASS WORK LOW PRICBS PRlca PRICZSet Bet etAt gi f teeth tet t tI > up p sold crowns U up goldaiUncs U 1 up silver 811 IUJln aw 511154 s SUe work workgoanuiteed workguaranteed kguaranteed no pain DR ORG L L ED EDI MONDS n lit 15 r st lit nw seatjot 1l1t 1l1tDR i iDRIDR OTIS W KLXsTT DENTIST D1t TnrrS So W Cor Iota S4M1 H F SU N W WGG Gw U Crowa and H JlRdpwwtt dsjwsrk SpedaJtst iSatlsfttcUon ufticUoR sua4 guerssted iit t d or money poslttv poetttHly lyrefunded re moaarate odorls prices Phone M tiU tiUs 4211seUtf 419s seUtf seUtfProposals sellIfProposals Utf UtfProposalsProposals ProposalsREFORM ProposalsREFORM ProposalsREFORMREFORM SCHOOL FOR GIRLS OFTUB DISTRICT OP 01 COLUMBIASeal COLUMBIASealed COLUMBIASealproposals COLUMBIASealproposalsed proposals will be received at theSuperintendents Office at the Reform8eh Reform ReformSchoolSchool ol for Girls of the District D itrict of Co Columbia Columbla Celumbla lumbla on the Conduit road near the 1District of n Columbia boundary line untilTHURSDAY THE 26TH DAY OF OC TOBER IMS 1l at 12 OCLOCK M and andthen andthen andthenthen opened for the erection and com completion completion pletion of a twostory tw tory brick building to tobe tobebe located on the Kroun grounts grounuj of o said ReformSchool on th tM Conduit road near the theDistrict t theDistrict e eDistrictDistrict of Columbia boundary line lineThe lineTheTh The plans and specifications apec14ca Hons for said saidbuilding aidbuUdin saidbuildingbuilding buUdin may b be seen > end nd examined at atthe atthe atthethe omce oIftce of Wyeth and Cresson No1O7 H street northwest Washington WashingtoniD C The right to reject any and all allproposals aUpropoals allproposalsproposals is lareeervecl reserved CHAPIN BROWN BROWNPresident BROWNPrealdentPresident Board of Trustees ocll12t8 aFall Resorts ResortsATLANTIC ResorlSATLANTIC ResortsATEsANTICATLANTIC CiTY O1T5THOTEL CITT110TEL CiTYHOTELHOTEL TRAYMORE I AT ATLANTIC ATLANTICI CITY CITYOverlooking 7I 7IOverlooking IC ICOnrlooklnOnrlookln Overlooking TRAYMORK TR YXORE HOTEL CO CO4lCkas a 4l O MarQiMtta D S S WHITE WHITEManager WHITE WHITEGALENManager Prseident PrseidentGALEN t tGALENGALEN HALL HALLHOTKI HALLHOTEL HILLHOTELHOTEL > AND SANATORIUM SANATORIUMATLANTIC SANATORIUIATLANTIC SANATORIUMPTLtNTICATLANTIC CITY CITYOn CIfYOn crrlOnsOn Ons of the newest llewe t stone brick and steel steelbHikllns IIt atelbuildIngs J JlltIlnbuildIngs lltIln with every comfort fort always op ft nwn nwnalways n nalways n nahra7Salways ready always buy busrRailroads buyRallroad5 busyRailroadsRailroads RailroadsSOUTHERN Rallroad5SOUTHERN RailroadsSOUTHERNSOUTHERN RAILWAY RAILWAYX RAILWAYBFuUJwlnK RAILWAY11FollowIngX B BFuUJwlnK Following schedule figures ngur 8 published publishedonly publla1tedonly publishedonlyonly as informatii ntormat i and are not guaranteed lrUranleed13IiA guaranteedTlS738 13IiA A M IDAILL PAIL Local for Karri llan1l1Onburg llan1l1OnburgWarrenton HarrlsonburgWarseaton sonbuncwarrenton Danv Danu and way ay stations stationsJtH ataUODS1fl atat1onioiJtH A X DAILYWuhlngtcm DAILY Washington and Florida FloridaLimited FlorldaLimited FloeIdaLimitedLimited First Plntcla class coaches and sl sleeper sleeperColumbIa per to toColumbia toColublaColumbia Savannah and Jacksonville nt ntIS nmlug Ma MaInalug Car r Service 8erv111 111 1115 16 A A M DAILYU DAILyunlted te Firstclass PIrete coaehea coa bM and sleeer to K New NewOrt NewOrleans w wOrleansOrleans Ort Dinlac Car Service401 P X WEEK DAYS DAY8LocaI Local for Harrison Harrisonburs Uarrtsonbure harrisonburgburs burg and d war y stations on Manaaaas Branch Branch4M Branch4e4M 4 tI P X S DAILY DAILYLocal Local for Warrantee Warren ton awl awlCharlottesviUv aBdCbarloUllh andcimrtottesvlllsCharlottesviUv CharlottesviUvTaO cimrtottesvlllsTlSTaO P M DAILY DAILYNew New York and Atlanta AtlantaSxprese AtlantaBxp AtlantaExpressExpress Bxp Firstclass lINtc Coach Co ck to Atlanta AtlantaSleeper AtlsnlaSIMper AtlantaSleeperSleeper to Columbus Oa via Atlanta AtlanuSunset AtlantaSunNt AtlantaSunsetSunset Route Tourist Sle Sleeper pr Wasisingun Wasisingunto Vashln lI8hlncton lI8hlnctonto ton tontoto S Han n Francisco Mondays Wednesdays Wedaesdaysand PedadaY8andand Fridays FridaysM FrdYsJosJo M P M DAILY DAILYNe New York and Florida FloridaExpress FloridaExpreM FIori FIoriExpressExpress Through Coaches and Sleepers SIeep t tColumbia in inColumbia jColumbia Savannah anti a l Jacksonville Jac JacksonvilinSleepers vlUe vlUeSItepen i iglrglr Sleepers per ti 1 Augusta and Port Tampa r DtR DtRIftJt nmnjng > in I IIngIng Car Service a la Carte Cart Cart10eo tarteloee100 P M DAILY DAILYN New York awl awlLimited ad Memphis MemphisIJmlted emphls emphlsUmltedLimited via Lyrchburg Firstelass Coach Coachand CoAehAnd Coseicandand Sleeping Cars to Roaaoke KnoxVille KnoxVilleCbattanoo KnoxvilleChattanoogaChattanooga New wpO Orleans Orlea Dining Car Service1045 11J P yf DAILY DAILYt II Mehlagton h ehtngtOfl and South Southwestern Southtern Southwestern western tern Limited All Pullman train ob observation Ob Obtion otgevatIon servation evatIon tion Car to Atlanta and Macon ClubCar to Atlanta Sleepers S to Nashville NashvilleAtlanta XatlViIItAUa NashvilI5AtlafltaAUa Atlanta ta Macon Iacon Birmingham New ew Orleans OrleansDialn OrteansDualnc orjnDsingDialn Car Service SsrvleH SerY1ee SerY1eeII ServiceHH B II Spencer GM S II HardwlckPTM HardwlckPTMW lIarowlckpTWW H Taylor O P A L L S Brown Bn > yn G A A111I Steamboats SteamboatsNORFOLK SteamboatsNORFOLK I INORFOLKNORFOLK AND WASHINGTON WASHINGTONSTEAMBOAT WASHIf WASHINGTONSTEAMBOAT GTON GTONSTEAMBOATSTEAMBOAT COMPANY COMPANYt COMPANYEveryEvery day In the year ear from foot ot 7th 7thIt 7thetIt t for Fort Monroe Norrolk Newport NewportNews NevPGrtNews NewportNewsNews and all points south by the su supeeb u uperb uperbperb pow powerful tul steel teel palace steamers steamersNewport steamerNewport steamersNewportNewport News Norfolk and andWashington andaahlngtou andWashingtonWashington WashingtonLv WashingtonLvWashlatofl53 aahlngtou aahlngtouLvasbISgtonJOLv LvasbISgtonJO Washington pmljv pmrv PorUmouth5 Portamuth5 pm pmLv pmLv pnLvLv Alaxandri AlexandriLt8 Alexan gia7SS 7 9 pmlLv pm pin1Lv Lv Norfolk Nartolk6 6pm 6pmr pm pmr> 1 r Ft Monroe 1lonroeOI 7 iWamlLv O0 am Lv Ft Monroe MonrOe7 7 PmAr pm pmAr pmArAr Norfolk Norfolk800 8 OamjAr amlAr amlAr Alexandrla630 am amArPortsmouth800 amAr amArArPortsmouth800 Ar amfAr am Ar Washington Washington1 am amjtaTThrough amI a arhroughjtaTThrough rhrough connection made at Nor Norfolk NorfolktSF deDI I = folk tofrtUg with steamers of Od Dominion DominionSteamship DominionSteamshiP lI Steamship Co for New York and Mer Merchants Merc1ants 11crchantsf I chants and Miners Steamships for Bas Boston Baston Boatonton toniSTor iSTor For further information npply at atgeneral atreneraJ atgeneralgeneral ticket omce 766 14th St t Col Colorado Colorado ciuiadoorado Building or Uh th b ct Dt wharf telephone Main Maln3i6 376iJNO CALLAHAN CAlLAlIANdM V Pre 4 Gen Mgr= W H CALLAHAN Gen Pass Pa Agt AgteUtt AgrsellIfeUttRan RailroadsPennsy1vnia Railroads RailroadsETATION oads oadsPP Pennsy1vnia Pennsy1vniaRailroad ennsyl vania vaniaRailroadRailroad RailroadSTATIONSTATION C CORNER ltNEU OF SIXTH AND B ST3 8TI 1U 0 A A M M DAILY DAILyprrnunItU PJTTSBURU EXPRESS EXPRESSana EXPRESand EXSRESSandand CHICAGO SPECIAL SPJCIALParlor Parlor and DIDlag ii cars Harriabuig HArrhlbuJ to Pittsburc CoB CosK CoBnectJI ConfleetsK fleets cts for Chicago Cincinnati iBdlaoapoliLoulvIIIc and St L Louts uu Buffst Buff tot ParlorCar to HarrlaburK HarrlaburKH0 hitcrrisbeirgtOAOH0 A If 1rL DAILY DAJLYMAIl MAIN LINE EXPRESSPullman Buffet Parlor Car to Hartisburg lan aburgParlor Car 41 Harrisburg to IMtUburu l > Penn Pennsylvania Pennalyan PennsylvanIa sylvania alyan Railroad Uroad Dining DJnln Car harrisburg tj tjAlteena uAlteen t3AlteenaAlteena1101 il iOl P M 1 UAILYTHE PENNSYLVANIA PBNNSYLV AtlIALIMITED LI IrJD Pullman Steeping SMa DiningSmoking and Observation Oberv tIOR Caa Ca from HarrisWirg 1J lirg rc For Chicago Cleveland Toledo De Denelt Deelt lietelltell elt CiBciunatl Indianapoliand St StLouis Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburgl 2ve 59 9 P M DAILYST LOUIS LIMITEDbleeping Dining Smoking and tOboierva Observa lion Cars from Harrtsburg Harr burlC For IndianaP polls Ma Louisville and St Loui Louis liuuotParlor Cur to Harrisburg140 1 1 P I M DAILYPENNSYLVANIA SPE CIAL IS IS HOURfe TO CJllCAoOj CUICAGOPulJman Pullman I61e Sle Sleeping rJ ping Dining Smoking and tin Obaer Obsratkan nationCars from from harrisburg Harrlabur tw Chicago Mle Sleep pleg Car to liarruburg148 2 48 P M IL DAILY DtLYCUICAGO CHICAGO AND STLOUIS EXPRESS JXPUUSSIetptftC Sleeping Car iara Washingtan to St Jl1 LOUJ Sleeping and Dining Din CanHarrisburg Hamllbur to Chicago Indianapolis StLout and Nashville via Cincinnati and ILouisville Loul vlUe Sleeping Car to t harrisburg lamburSMI fia t 41 P I M Jo DAILYCHICAGO L1MITKDSleeping SIJi g Car Washington Wa8hJ Kwn to Chicago ana ICleveland Pennsylvania Railroad Cafe CarBaltimore to it Harrisburg UarrS urg Sleeping Smok ing Dining Dlnln and Ct Otxiervation ervaUon Cars from lOIaHarrliburg H arrl burg lot l or Chlcagu ucd Cleveland CleveI Ad711 7 1 11 P 1 M t DAILYST LOUIS EXI EXInUS RE8SPullmoB Sleeping Car Harrisburg to tit 11Louis and Clncinr l1n Cinclnrau 1nt4U ti7 H P M M DAILY DAILYWESTERN WESTERN EXPRESS iPullman Sleeping Car to Pittsburg and IChicago DIning Car to Chicago ChicagoCINNATI1 40 P 11 iAILYCLEVELANII f lE E Um CI dYCINNATI EXPRESS EXIREI58PuUnan Pullman SleepingCars Car WashlBttoa uhlllton to HbrrUburg and liar liarrlsburg liarrtaburg frrtaburg to Cleveland Barberton and CIa Cincinnati chianti tJ nU Dining Cr rH40 114 1 545 P M 1 DAILY Di1LYPITTSBURO PITTSBURG SPECIALPullman Sleeping Car to Pituburg Din ing Car ar Altoona to PittsburgI 1 045 P M L DAILY DAlLYPACIFIC PACIFIC EXPRE2Pullman J Sleeping Car to Horrlaburg and anlIarnabur harrisburg to PttUbur Pittsburg Connects for foiCleveland and Toledo Toledo7M roJfoduf587M 7 35 A M DAILY DAILYBtJrPALO BUFFALO DAY EX E PRESS with through Buffet Parlor Cur Curand C Can4 Ca Caandand Couches C eb to Buffalo via Bmpartum mpigr1uii IJunction Junction1XA JVlKt1XA 7 = 14 A M rr f for r Erie dally IY IYttaday Canaadalffua Roeh Roehester Roebeaterester t r and Niagara Falls daily except oceftaaday ftaadayMM ttaday ttadayUMMM 1 551 A M M far w Senor HeRO dally and Blades Etmlrnweek Ebnl EbnlHk L Lwaskweek Hk days For Wllliamsport daily 141 4P P1L M7 711 11 P M dally BUFFALO NIGHT SXPRESS with through throtl Coaches Coa lea to Buffalo Btln via 1 Emporium porIu Ju JaBctl Junction action74 T C P M M dally for Erie Rochester Butfate t and Niagara NIa al Fail with SleeplBg Car Ca rWashington to Rochester Roc1HtaterIi 104 I 540 P M 5 dairy for Erie Eri CanandaiguaRdchecter CanandaiguaRdchecter Huirale and M Niagara Nla ara Falls FaltoFOR PalhPOR FallsollFOR P oll PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK AXD ITHE EAST EASTi BASTCOoi COo 09 P 1 M t CONUKifMilUKAI IJiUTEDfer New York otily doily all u Inc ftirj twDining Car CarExpress CarEXPCMI darxpressExpress E xpress tM 1Ai I ll SJO M0 If New York onlyi oatand 1100 A M 12i UJi tOt QO 915 4 4s CS9 55aM 1fIM P M M 12 111 Bight gb Of 0 Sundays Sundayst3t3 iet llM 11 A M M 121 Ift 4es U eM eMasd fi50aad 650andand M ILlS P X JoL 12M I Bight BightFor JttibtFor sIghtorFor F or Philadelphia only unl Express Jtxpr 74t 7 ItttA M 12 181 P M M w wk k days 1M lO 3M 311 4i 400 Ofttsf tJI and a 540 P M M dally dati CM A It M M Sun SunFor Su Suaya Sunayeaye ayaF ayeorFor F or Boston without k change 74 740 A M At I week weekFOCdays day and i 5J5 P M dally daliyor fFor F or Baltimore I 115 116 l tM II 74 T 140 C 7M 7M100h 1i4J Ji8100h 10 iOO Ot 1050 10 11 1100 111 215 100 1l6 216 2 344 ttt 4 400 Limit LimIted419 31 t 445 4 tI 111 I 510 11 510 Ca eso 1H 7UIt IioIj e 250 ll3i 11 P M and i2Jt Sight lsntweek days OB Sundays 555 Trit TII Sje IM 60 IJI J140 HW 14 = rttJ11 A M 1X41 11C 16 Z t 30 2 26If 31 115 11514tCtf 40t 4 451 LImited lat 445 i 6If CM G 110 71 711 111 7i T 740 MM MM p Pand M Mand Mo MoaMand Uaw A night aiKhtFor IUChtFor nightorFor F or AiwapoiU l 74 141 A A M u 123C 49 4 435 > and aMI 140p IT week weea days ay Sunday LOG A n M andS4 I 540 P M MFor XFor IIorFor F or Popes Creek La Lies 7 711 11 A It a M K and nP If week k daysu da dayaESS M A A M Sueday au auTicketTicket eMcee offte corner nfteesjth and 0treets and at the station Sixth aad alldatr Batr treet where ordain can ca be left for theof baggage to destination fram 1 co 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wWASHINGTON inWASHI1OTONWASHINGTON W Sln OTON JUNCTION and waypotnis pot tK 515 11 a m 11S rioo 5 l5O 0 t5 t5p 11P 11l 530 530pp mDfdly mDfdly l tExcpt Sunday Sunday only OftlReservation of Sl Sleeplmr ep4ns or Parlor Car Carapaca Car8pace Carspacespace rates of fare etc tc will 111 b be quickly fur furnished turnbhed furnished nished BY TELEPHONE at all of o tb the fol lowing Ticket Offices 1417 0 St Telephone TelephonJlaJnMain ISM ill 1 Pennsylvania Ave ve Telephone TelephoneMain eMain 287 Station New Jersey Jfr eY Av Ave and CSt Ticket office Telephone TeJ fhofte East Ean U1 87 Infor Information Information Inferinatlon mation Bureau East 724 oc2tf oc2tfCHESAPEAKE OC2ttCHESAPEAKE oc2tfCHESAPEAKECHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RY RYSchedule RYUkbedule RYScheduleSchedule in effect July 1 19032 250 90 0 P MOLD DOMINION EXPRESSDally D1lySt DeityStops Stops p at principal points poilU in Vr Virginia Vrginia 1 1glnta ginia and West Ve t Virginia Vestibule Ye estlbula Ubule train trainstandard trainstandardstandard coaches parlor cars to Vlrg YI Vlgglnia lnla lnlanHrtHot Springs and D Honoeverte Pulli Pullisleepers Pullman Pullmansleepers lnHrt nHrtD rcsleepers Hint Iitntoa on te Louisville Cincinnati CI CIIndianapolisIndianapolis St Louie and Chicago dinleg cars a la carte service430 4 JO P M XNEW NEW C A L O LIMITED Dally DallFast new vestibule vesU ule train stops only atOurdonsville Ctwrlottesvilte StauntonClifton Forge For and Covington eovlD tulI Sulphur Ronceverte RO CeVerte and Hinton l1it W V YaPullman sVepere to Lexington LouisvilleCincinnati Cl elnU Indianapolis St St Louis andChIcago Chlc go Dlnln Dlnlnc cars carat a a la carte cam service rvlceOne night out outHM out111tHM 1 1 1 P MF F V LIMITED Dully DftllSolid vestibule train Pullman sleepers Ito Cincinnati L IAslneto xin toa and LouisvilleCompartment sleeping ear to VirginiaHot Springs week days cia Dining cars ala carte service ente Sleepers S1t pen Cincinnati toChicago and St Louis and Louisville to toentphI8Memphis entphI8 Nashville and SouthwestReservations Re rvatlooll and tickets at Chesapeake Che apeaJce andOhio offices 61S Pennsylvania ave areat W HUt 14thst HUtlit Ist lit nur F 51 and Sixth Street St et Station Tele Telephone Telephone Totephone phone Main 8730 37 for A Pennsylvania R R R RCab ItCabCab Service and Main 1W6 105 for C OTicket Office selltf selltfSEABOARD nellItSEABOARD Ut UtSEABOARDSEABOARD AIR Llflu Llr = RAILWAY RAILWAYTicket RAILWAYT1cketOmce RAILWAYTicket ITicket T1cketOmce Office 1421 Penna P PennaFor nnn Avo AvoFor Strtrture Varieociie lacterlSpecific Blood PoIsoning Krupttoas 2ru Zrution tIo Ulcar UlcaraMd Uk UkaMd VieiacudaMd All Private IXseasss DtNa Cured for or life Ut by bsm ate CHAKO88 C LOW INCLUD1XO MEDICINESCONSULTATION CONau LT A TI0 TOBK TOBKOKKJCE JlRIISOnrJCE FRENOFFICEOFFICE HOURS HOURSM HOURSIM I to 1 1 4 to I Sunday M to toFOe 1 1 12 12O9FOe O9 Twelfth St N W VTSPECIALIST WXRAY WTT fl S U AT1T SPECIALIST SPECIALISTINXRAY Alilt 1 OFFICE 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SisSoutheast S corner 6th and P su nw Hours10 1 to 1 and II d I tu Closed l1 Sunday 8u da Bs27 11112T4It 11112T4ItD aefl4NOi M MIKOi Fi7plS5etN IK isllthHtNW ttIa tit St X W WStewartD I II r Si OZiRRAfIn II if VA D 1st I Stewart Building BalJdlI Lsl5 I UI S 55 Hours from U 1 to 5 3EXPERT 5EXIEItT 5EXIEitTEXIEItT GERMAN SPECIALIST SPECIALISTa 8P1tCIALlSTDR SPECIALiSTDRDR FISK ELGN ELGNExpert ELG ELGEcpert a LGi LGiExpert Expert in the treatment of private disoagea disoageachronic dM dMcohroilicchronic e and acute Both tb sexes All consul consulations tations tati t O II confidential Medicine oedlcl furnished funsiah funsiahmoderatePrices moderate Hours Ii to 1 j to f i toRooms 1232 Pennsylvania ave nw Phone PhoneWashlnsjtonsK lilt liltDr 3515Dr5Dr Dr5 Leatherman LeathermanWblnctonWashlnsjtons L IAadlDf ading Specialist HJfCiaU plelisi t ou 0 ai 1 eon conaglostagious t aglos blood d skin and private diseases dl of ofmen oCJlMtn ofmen Imen and women men Stricture Drug HabitNervous Debility also JIO kidney kiel bladderliver l iver and stomach trouble cured cur forever foreverAdvice foreverAdviceAdvice fre firs Hours I to 12 and J Ito to 5 also alsoon alasn IM IMORon e n Tuesday and Saturday turda evening veaias 7 t to ASundays closed 512 J Tenth St 1it N W WLoan WLoaniLoan CompaniesWHO 1ATU1 v ilu MONEY LOANS LOANSMONEY 1WYat at atIVe atWe 3 3e a7IVe e are not in the Trust because wodo as we advertise aderti e and because we areenemiesenemies of the highpriced 10 0 per cent centmoney centmoney centmoneymoney sharks Look at the following followingrates tullowiusratel showingratesrates A child can understand them themstasta 15 only LC 7c per mo Ito 50 0 only onl 1166 iG6 per mo moonly moonlys only L23 per mo J76 76 only 4249 29 f9 per mo moUOO isoIbmIbm 100 only J266 266 66 per moDont aloDont mo sicDontDont be misguided m guided or secure lle ur a loan loanuntil 1021until baauntiluntil you have consulted us usLoan us usNATIONAL usMATthMAINATIONAL MATthMAI Loan and andInvestment andInIn I 1UIThLI Investment nlG nlGRe8tH CD CDReam C C15thReam Cl Ufl i J tn JJ JJAskBulldlnz PIJt PIJtijij WE LOAN N Money IVIOA at i 3 3Ak U1 U1LOAN io ioAskAsk the other companies what they the thecbtirgecharge then SEE US and find out for foryourself torOurseir foryourselfyourself Ourseir how much lower our rates are arThe Interest on Jl 10 IB 1 JOe a month J2i iiis j jfss 15e a month SW Is 154 a month SiN SiNIs 1f14 1f14ss J8 a month Other amounts m pro proportion 1IIotvortlou proportiotiportion portionMutual vortloufiiutuaI portiotiMutualMutual Loan S Trust Co913 G Street N W V VNoPayments Required for 60 Days DaysOn DaysOR DaysOnOn all twelvemonth loans Joa a to new cue customers cuetomeIS cuetomets tomers we e allow two months before first firstpayment ftntpayment Sestpaymentpayment is due You have ba VII us Ue of the themoney theJDOney themoneymoney for thirteen months at our regular regularrates rgularrat regularraterates rat for twelve month We take uploans from other companies and advance advancayou advancOu advanceyouyou Ou more noney with smaller pIDentsTHE paymentsTHE payments paymentsTIIETHE LIBERAL COMPANYLoan L 3 3TrustCITIZENS Trust Trust4M s Co Co04M Commercial Dank BuildingN W Cot 14th and O Sts Fourth POt4 Fou Floor FloorIV bor borUA IV YOU AIlS PUTTING MONETty if 1 In a bank b lc you ou look for the safest Iew instItution why not u use e the t same samet aameCZLn Iw t cars when you OU deposit your val valcables vicables lil lilcablescables far a loan We e nave u betiding and andsafes andsaee aniisalessafes made for the purpose All buslaoi buslaoiooBfldesttal walnueeD8ckaUaL buolasliconfidentialconfidential Money loaned OB watches atches dia diansoBds digmoacIlI diaisolcdjnsoBds Jewelry etc Interest three per cent ceattasteful IU IU1nsteAatasteful of tea teaH teaH tenHH K K FULTONS LOAN OFFICE OFFICErstablished OFFICPEatabUshed OFFICEEttgbllshedrstablished 183 11 8M 314 Ninth Street N W VtMoney WMonoy WMoneyMoney loaned Salaried People PeopleRetail leopleRetail ople opleRRetail R taU merchants teamsters boarding bousea bouseawithout bouswithout thout security larg large business in g S 52 pith principal pithcipal cipal cltlbs c1U c2Ue TOLMAN Room 60S 55 U3 ISta at atIX a atSW11 SW11LOASIX LOAS > AJJS KBQOTfA NBGOTtqiD bldr Jjld and loan Uare iiareaasscu tlfs Warehouse receipta etc low rat ratcourtoeus ratsicourtoeus rtOQ treatment ei THIS s IS f eJc NOT A LOAN r iCOMPANY C A A UAICEH 1119 lU V St ifjntona P1105 KIT KITCOLD I ICOLDCOLD WAVE COMINGNothing Wee having a plaee to come comewhen coinswhen to I I Iwhen in an emergency People borrow money mone r rwherewhere they the are treated the beet and pay the ILEAST for it It Thats why we ar aN 113 o well I jknown Loans en 11 Furniture 1ianoi ant ISalaries SalarleflCall SalarStCall SalariesCallCall or Phone M M 3899 3899SURETY 3IgeSURETY aosSURETYSURETY LOAN CO COSecond COSecond COEeconSecond Eecon Xloor rIoorBooJ Soow 1 1 Warder War or SulldizirCorner Ninth an4 7 Street StreetWHEN Strootn Streets StreetslLOoSlLOoS n 602 6 02 02WHENWHEN IN NE0 OF OFTHE OFMONEY II MWH MONEY MONEYTHE y Ii IiTHETHE CAPITAL LOAN CO COCan COCan iCan and Will Help You YouIV YouWoo YouWoIV Woo loan money on Furniture and enPianos at a minimum rate of interestLoans with other companies paid oft oftand onand of ofandand a larger sum advanced at u lower lowerrate lowerr8te lowe loweraterate than you are now payinG paylnsri payinGgg i 602 F Street N W WBazs J 1 1Established IBazs Established S l Lbs IklhLoaned I ILoaned I IIPlN 0 IAoJ y Loaned at atReasonable atiwSJainiwSJain Vi I ii IReasonable Rates iProm 5500 500 to 35000 35000Business 5000 5000Business IBusiness confidential conCdent conCdentJOSEH iJOSEH CAHN Boom 40 40Jenifer D5 D5Jenlter IJenifer Bldg 7ta 7th anC D at st nw nwWy nwWhy iIWy Dont You Try TryThe i I ITileThe company that gives give the cheapest cheapestrates ch811pestrat I Iratesrates rat os most generous enerous rebates and the themost thi I Imostmost courteous treatment treatmentLOANS treatmentLOANS treatmentLOItNSLOANS LOANSOn LOANSOn LOItNSOnOn household goods pianos horses horseswagons horsewagoJUi horseswagOtiwagons fixtures salaries 8rlas etc etcAll etcAllAll Business stricty conftdentlal Xo Nt Ifees You get the full amount asked I Ifor Private offices officesReliance ofYlcesReliance officesReliance iReliance Loan and Trust G3 C CTimes619 1 E St IT W WTimes I ITimea iTimes Want Ads Bring Results i I 1Loan Companies CompaniesIs CompaniesONE CompaniesPERONE ONEPEnPEn CENT CENTIsIs money worth that to you If Ifso Ifso IfSOso call on us investigate our ouriiev ournew ourflewnew system of loaning loaningPianos IJaningON loaningFLIRNTUREON FURNITURE FURNITUREPianosPianos Pianos Organs etc All the theleading theJeading theleadingleading features of other com companies cmnpanies coinpunks panies incorporated in our new newplan newplan newplanplan planIf planIfplanIfIf you borrow here e you get getthe getthe getthethe LOWEST RATES EASI EASIEST EASIEST EASIEST EST PAYMENTS QUICK QUICKEST QUICKEST QUICKEST EST ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATIONandand aIX are assured absolute absoluteprivacy absolutprivacy absoluteprivacyprivacy privacyIfIf you cannot call telephone telephoneMain telephoneMain teIephoniMainMain 3552 or fill out the fol following folJowing following lowing blank mail it to us and andour andour andourour special representative will willcall willcan willcallcall on yOU yOUNane vonName YOuNameName NameAddress NaneAddftss NameAddress >Address AddressDate AddftssDate AddressDateDate to call call callMaryland callMarybiuMaryland Loan LoanTrust LoanTiustTrust 00635 G STREET STREETCernerCerner 7th 7th awl G Streets H W WOVER WOVEN WOVEII OVER QUEEN CAFE CAFEmmMONEY MQNEYiO10 1OANDUPWARDS 1OANDUPWARDSCxi ARID UPWARDS UPWARDSOaOa Household Goods PIano PianoaSalaries PIanoSalaries PianosSalariesI Salaries etc etcSPECIAL eteSPECIAL etaSPECIALSPECIAL NOTICE NOTICEBATES NOTCElweWe wilt posttlvely loan O you mosey ci ciRATESI BATES ATESti IQ OAP CHEAPER CHEAPEflthan AP APII than any an other company IB th u lbs city citycotyiE cityCOMEI COME 2 TO I2 l lI us usAllAll you have to da is ta show tu what rat ratsI y 3eu H 1H HAVE H IrH BEEN l paying or what rats yv yARE 1 par paying ins W We will meet that rat rats t ana l taI It 16 per J cent at better b la I U per cent lower ratsIt cost you absolutely nothing to vtrttrtR 1 there M statement statementNo ItatAlneftNo statementsNoNo Charges Deducted DeductedSiONET DeductedONBY DeduoteMONEYMONEY ONBY SAME S DAT DATIf DAYU DAT1fIf Tec reG ye cannot callWriie atJLWrite call caljWriteWrite or Phone Phoneandand cur mfldBUal t lMlM ItU41 agent age t will call es B r yea yeaand 11 >and clrs gin yen rate rates and full partloular partloularTELEPHONE partl partisutariTELEPHONE uJars uJarsTELEPHONETELEPHONE MAIN 3sli 3sliAIU1ERCAN tAMERICAN 3052AMERICANAMERICAN LOAN CO COIfll COISISISIS 1 New York avenue northwest northwestM northwasteMeM The Cut Rate Square Dial DaalCompany D DialCompany 31 31CompanyCompany Companysis CompanyIFIIsis J srj srjIF Second Flo Floir jr Phone Main 33 33Think 3 3T1LSMEANSYOU nTHlSTHlS T1LSMEANSYOU T1LSMEANSYOUThtnh MEANSYOU MEANSYOUThinkThink Ufore tore Lou ou Borrow Money MoneySEE MOneySEE MonsySEESEE US FIRST F2HSTWeWe loan en furniture pianos etc ana win winpay wmpay winpaypay off any loan company you 00 owe and ad adranee adTanco advancevance you ou more money mODe at rates rat cbtaoe cb cbhau cbeapcgthanthan hau you ou can borrow on real estate IftslateLL estateALLALL LL PRIVATE IRIV AT OFFICES 01 lCJS AT ATThe A AThe AZTieThe Metropolitan Loan Loanand Loanandand Trust Company GompanyQO5605 St N NW NWLOANS W WLOANS WLOLOANS LO NS ON FURNITURE FURNITUREHereHere we are way down at the bottom bottomof bottomof bottomofof the column columnWHEN columnWHENWHEN IN DOUBT about borrwIncall on the company that blows blow blowthe blowsthethe least Thats us usNo usABSOLUTELY usABSOLUTELYABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELYNoNo = 0 publicity publldtyno no prying Into your yourprivate youxprivateprivate affairs atIalrsno no delay delayCOLUMBIA delayCOLUMBIA delayCOLUMBIACOLUMBIA GUARANTEE CO COSUIi j ST T i N W PIUVATS pmv ATE OFFICE OFFIC4 2ff7e9595c

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