Kaspersky's web presence is based at www.kaspersky.com. The home page displays the green packaging of KIS6 and the slogan 'Red for threats Green for you'. The rest of the page is fairly clean and simple, with the exception of the rapidly animated online scanner area in one corner (this offering is given prominence on most pages). A knowledgebase of support information is easily found, with a section dedicated to KIS6 where many likely product-related queries are answered plainly. Among the information provided are details as to why the full product is superior to the pared-down version offered free by AOL (web-scanning, heuristics, intrusion defence and restore tools are all mentioned, along with the many fine-tuning options, as being good reasons to opt for the full, paid-up version).
- A trial version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus v6.0.3.837 Workstation can be downloaded here :4HaEgnxkFxCyh8cB@partner.kaspersky.ru/6.0/english/kav6.0.3.837_winwksen.exe but I have no idea how an individual could obtain a license key for it. An English link to v6.0.3.837 (MP3 = Maintenance Pack 3) is at =2
Kaspersky 6.0
- as a single file kav6.0.2.621en.exe, digitally signed 21-Mar-2007, which can be downloaded from _kaspersky_antivir/tech/2396/ or -AntiVirus-Personal-Pro-Download-5005.html Unfortunately when you try to buy a license via softpedia/Digital River, only v7 is offered.
Hello i'm trying to install kaspersky anti-virus on windows 7 but it shows me that the file klims_sha1.sys of kaspersky anti-virus ndis 6 filter is necessary. even though it exists in the folder klimx64. any suggestions to help me? 2ff7e9595c