The serial number (SN) is located on the back of your pump. If you are using the belt clip, you need to remove the belt clip to view the serial number. On the back of your pump, look for the letters "SN" (which stands for serial number). Your serial number will start with NG and be followed by a series of numbers and letters
The first digit of the year (the decade) is not in the serial number or model number! If you are having problems determining the decade, use the model number to download the owner's manual and other literature from the manufacturer's website (see links below). Look for the year and month the manual was printed. Manuals, datasheets, and installation instructions are sometimes updated so the manual or instructions may have been printed a year or two before or after the appliance was manufactured. For example, the owners manual for a Frigidaire Dishwasher, Model FFBD2411NW0A, had a date of January 2012 and the Parts manual had a date of January 5, 2016. The serial number of the dishwasher was: TH30728110. Clearly, this dishwasher was manufactured in 2013 and not 2003.
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